I agree to care for my foster rabbits according to the guidelines for T.H.E. Rabbit Resource foster homes. I will consult with my chapter manager or, if she so designates, my local T.H.E. Rabbit Resource member, regarding feeding, housing, exercise and health care of my foster rabbits. I will notify my chapter manager within 24 hours of any change in health of my foster rabbits. 

​I understand that T.H.E. Rabbit Resource will cover the cost of spaying/neutering. I will follow instructions for post operative care and exercise restriction, and contact the veterinarian immediately if there should be any problems. Unless a rabbit comes to me with a pre-existing health condition and T.H.E. Rabbit Resource has agreed to assume some or all of the costs of veterinary care, I will be fully responsible for the cost of veterinary care (beyond spay/neuter) for my foster animals. If a non-emergency veterinary visit is to happen, ideally that will be discussed beforehand with the chapter manager and treasurer. T.H.E. Rabbit Resource, in some cases, may provide partial reimbursement. If my rabbit needs urgent veterinary care, I will take care of payment and if the chapter is able to partially reimburse me, I will discuss that afterwards with the chapter manager and treasurer. Veterinary care will be provided without hesitation should my foster animal become ill, by a veterinarian or veterinary emergency clinic approved by the chapter.

If my animal is critically ill, before deciding on any surgery or invasive procedure, I will contact my chapter manager or liaison immediately for approval. No rabbit may be euthanized without T.H.E. Rabbit Resource manager’s consent.

I agree that if I agree to foster an un-altered rabbit, that same rabbit will be spayed or neutered as soon as age and health-appropriate after arriving at my foster home. I will not allow any unaltered rabbits direct contact with each other. 

​I agree to the chapter protocol and definitions for rabbits-at-risk. This means that first priority for fostering space goes to rabbits who have no safe space - those who are strays, or abused, or shelter overflow due to medical or emotional needs. If I get a call locally to assist with rescue, I will respond promptly and notify my liaison of my interventions (and ask for assistance). I may take in that rescued rabbit, if I have space. If not, that rabbit will be provided for by chapter co-fosterers. If I get a call from a local shelter I will refer that caller to the chapter manager, who coordinates intake. If I get a contact from anyone who has a rabbit at home that they need to relinquish, I will NOT offer them foster space, but will contact the chapter manager/liaison to discuss what options they might have, as the group will often assist with out of system listings, or may know of other possibilities. If I feel that the caller will truly abandon the rabbit, or is abusing the animal or unstable, I will connect with my chapter manager/ liaison as quickly as possible and try to get that rabbit out of that situation. I agree to foster this rabbit or rabbits inside my home at all times. I may not secondarily foster at another location or have another person fostering under my direction. The foster rabbits in my care are considered the property of the T.H.E. Rabbit Resource and ownership may not be transferred without the approval of the chapter manager. Although I may pre-screen adopters and my recommendations for a new home for my foster rabbits will be sought and considered by my chapter manager, the chapter manager has final approval or disapproval of any adoptive homes. Any adoption must take place according to T.H.E. Rabbit Resource adoption policies. At every adoption, 2 contracts must be signed by both parties - I will send one to the chapter manager and the adopter will retain the other. An adoption fee will be collected for each adoption unless a prior arrangement has been made with the chapter manager.

If I decide that I would like to adopt my foster rabbit, I will request approval from the chapter manager before any definite arrangement is made for that rabbit to be adopted by another candidate. I accept the responsibility of notifying my chapter manager of any change or potential change in the status of my foster rabbits, and of any problems I may encounter in providing a foster home. If I find at any time that I am unable to meet the requirements of food, housing, exercise and veterinary care for my foster rabbits OR if I no longer wish to continue as a fosterer, I agree to return the rabbits to the chapter's fostering network. Should such a situation arise, the chapter requests a MINIMUM of 3 months advance notice, to create space. Placement will also depend upon that space actually opening up, so I will be flexible should it take a little longer. In order to help facilitate adoptions, I agree to assist with transport whenever possible, assist with home visits pre-adoption (often with another volunteer), and allow adopters to meet my foster rabbits at my home at our mutual convenience. 

​I agree to provide current photos and a description of my foster rabbit(s) to our webmaster as requested. I agree to abide by T.H.E. Rabbit Resource  chapter policies. I agree to be in contact with my mentors at least monthly with updates on my foster animals. I understand that fostering house rabbits can involve a long term commitment of a year or more. Any serious breach of this agreement will result in transfer of my rabbits and possible suspension and removal as a fosterer. If that should happen, I will cooperate in every regard. 

I have read the above agreement and will abide by the policies listed within it.

Foster Contract

* If you are in or around New York City, please visit  https://www.rabbitrescueandrehab.org/

Foster Contract & Application