Charlie & Blossom are a bonded brother and sister couple, rescued with their mom and litter-mates from an overcrowded shelter.  Charlie is the brown one. They were born in November of 2012.

They didn't receive a lot of socialization in their first foster home. Unlike their brothers and sisters, who have all been adopted and are quite friendly, Blossom & Charlie are skittish of most humans except their current foster mom. Neither bunny enjoys petting.

They are very bonded with one another. They love to snuggle, play, explore, eat, and even use the same litter box together.

Currently they live in an expanded exercise pen (156 sq. feet). Because of the number of rabbits in the foster home, they again do not have the opportunity for a lot of social time with humans. With time and patience, they may warm to an experienced rabbit person or family.

Charlie and Blossom
Bonded Couple
Adult - Spayed/Neutered
7 - 8 lbs. each
Special Needs

Charlie and Blossom - Adopted!